The idea for the series actually came to me when I saw an article about shadow creatures. I read a little more about them and thought of how I could use that in a book. Then I read about Dante’s Inferno. If anyone’s familiar with it, it basically describes nine levels of Hell. I thought it’d be a pretty cool idea to have a series of books about how evil tries to seduce someone into the dark side, and in each book taking a different form to accomplish that task. So I kind of blended both those ideas into this series and I outlined the first three books of the series and came up with A Soul Worth Taking, The Woods (book 2-tentative title), and Shadow Man (book 3). I came up with my own levels of Hell, though I only used five and included that in A Soul Worth Taking. It’s not a major part of the book, and to put it in car racing terms, is more like a pit stop. But it’s something I wanted to put in and think I introduced it in a pretty cool way.
This is the darkest book I’ve written. I’ve got five other books out, four are Westerns, and the other a Suspense/Thriller. I’m more known for Westerns and a couple have hit the top 100 in the Western category on Amazon, but I want to be a diverse writer and not be known for just one genre. Hopefully any readers and fans I have will crossover with me to whatever genre I write in.
I’m really excited about this book and series and think it has great potential. Each book is going to be a stand alone title and have a start and finish. There aren’t any cliffhangers that you have to wait until the next book to get resolved, though each book will offer somewhat of a lead-in to the next story. I‘m hopeful that readers share my excitement and enjoy the book and series.
Anyone interested in finding out more about me and my work can visit me at http://www.ryejames.blogspot.com/
Thanks for having me!
Rye has been kind enough to hold a giveaway of two copies of A Soul Worth Taking through Smashwords.
Giveaway Closes 30th April 2011
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