
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Faves of TwentyEleven: The Random

Day Four of My Faves of TwentyEleven Book Awards - A Big thank you to Inkcrush for coming up with this idea! If you'd like to see the post click on the link above!

Day One: The Books
Day Two: The Characters
Day Three: The Scenes

Day Four: The Random

1. fave first sentence
Another hard one.  I'd say this would be my favourite three.
White Cat by Holly Black - "I wake up barefoot, standing on cold slate tiles. Looking dizzily down. I suck in a breath of icy air."

The Familiars by Adam Jay Epstein and Andrew Jackson - "It all started with Aldwyn's whiskers beginning to tingle - the way they always did when he got hungry."

2. fave book title
Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres
Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
Winters Shadow by M.J. Hearle

3. fave reading experience (ie: created a great reading memory)
I'd have to say All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin.  I'm not sure what made this one stand out the most for me.. I think it was the thought of chocolate being illegal but it definitely stuck with me.  It wasn't the greatest read, but it was still a memorable one for me.

4. book with the best food in it (made you so crazy-envious-hungry)
To be quite honest, I don't think there were any books that I can think of that had food that stood out for me.

5. book with the most sensual weather (made you shiver/sweat)
This would have to be Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys.  She's definitely talented in making you feel just like the character.  I feel a chill thinking about some of the scenery she describes.

Forever by Maggie Stiefvater for sure falls under this one too.

6. most embarrassing book cover (feeling sheepish in public or just plain ugly)
There are a few that I want to name but I feel that this may offend the authors.  So I shall leave this blank for the time being.  Chicken .. I know lol

7. can’t believe you waited this long to read the book (!)
There are a few that I could throw into this category.  I don't tend to go with what everyone is raving about at that point in time because I don't want to have this expectation that the book is so good that when I read it I'm let down.  It took watching I am Number Four by Pittacus Lore to actually pick up the book and try it.  White Cat by Holly Black was another one I was late on the bandwagon with, and I loved both of these books.

8. book you'd give your mum/sister to read
There would probably be none out of this year I'd recommend to my Mum but if it were last year, I'd have recommended any of the Chet and Bernie books by Spencer Quinn.  They were wonderful.  So much so that I named one of my dogs after the main character.

9. book you'd give your dad/brother to read
Ha!  Neither reads so I wouldn't bother recommending any lol.

10. book you'd like to give your past-self to read (ie, me, when I was 15)
Out of all the books I probably would have read The Body Finder  by Kimberly Derting.  I don't know that I would have read the others but I think this would have been an ideal read!

11. book that lived up to (or superseded the hype)
I try to avoid the hype usually lol but for me Legend by Marie Lu did live up to the hype.  I loved that book from start to finish and it definitely wasn't what I was expecting it to be.

12. book you stayed the latest to finish (confess!!!)
So many. I'll just pick two.  Switched by Amanda Hocking and Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Kohn and David Leviathan

13. book you were *dying* to get your hands on the most
For sure it had to be Last Breath by Rachel Caine.  So couldn't wait to find out what happened with Claire and her friends!

14. fattest brick of a book you read (by page count)
This year wasn't too bad.  Bloodlines by Richelle Mead would have been the thickest I think... at 432 pages

15. killer cliffhanger award
Quite a few of Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampires books end in cliffhangers but Midnight Alley was a favourite cliffhanger!

Stay tuned.  Tomorrow will be the last day of Favbes of TwentyEleven.  Funny it should fall on the first day of the new year!


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