Friday, December 30, 2011

TGIF (9) First and Last

TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by Ginger at GReads! that re-caps the week’s posts and has different question each week.

This Friday's Question:
First and Last: What was the first book you read in 2011 and the last you finished in 2011? How do you feel about these books? Would you recommend them to other readers?

The first book I read for this year was The End of Marking Time by C.J West.  This was a great read with a killer twist to it.  I don't think this book is for everyone but for those of you that are curious to see what it would be like to treat criminals differently this sure is worth trying.

The last book I've read (so far) is Arrival by Chris Morphew and it is book one in The Phoenix Files.  I picked this up last year while at the Brisbane Writer's Festival and only now getting to read it.  I liked it!  It's from an Aussie Author a year younger than me!  And being Aussie, I picked this up, willing to give our own Authors a go.  I really liked it, but the plot is similar to other stories I've read.. which kind of sounds silly when I say it like that, since most stories are like other plots.. but yeah.

This technically won't be the last book I've read as I'm trying to get Cinder finished and start on Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare before this year is up.  Yes, I have finally picked this book up, and the funny thing was.. it was a few quotes I read on Goodreads from this book that actually got me to reading it so yeah.  Can't wait!

This Weeks Posts (From Last Saturday):

What was the first book you read in 2011 and the last you finished in 2011? How do you feel about these books? Would you recommend them to other readers?


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